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For Dummies
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Series of instructional/reference books For Dummies is an extensive series of instructional/reference books which are intended to present non-intimidating guides for readers new to the various topics covered. The series has been a worldwide success with ed
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Peter Drucker
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American business consultant Peter Ferdinand Drucker (; German: [ˈdʀʊkɐ]; November 19, 1909 – November 11, 2005) was an Austrian-American management consultant, educator, and author, whose writings contributed to the philosophical and practical foun
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Business History
Why Read Peter Drucker?
by Alan Kantrow
From the Magazine (November 2009)
What to Read
Given the disposition to read Drucker, but with limited time, to which of his books should you turn? The choice is unusually difficult because Drucker has not only written many, but many different kinds of books. They do, however, fall roughly into four separate groupings: social and political thought, analyses of the profession of management and of the institutions of business, informed speculations on those contours of the future already visible in the present, and how-to primers for certain business-related tasks. Some titles, of course, fit into more than a single grouping; a few do not fit neatly into any of them.
First among the books of social and political thought is The End of Economic Man , Drucker’s remarkably evenhanded treatment of twentieth-century European fascism. Two further publications complete the cycle of thought there begun: The Future of Industrial Man, which addresses the central problem of legitimate authority in modern institutions, and The New Society, which sketches an idealized vision of industrial citizenship. Men, Ideas and Politics , one of Drucker’s several collections of essays, offers a certain number of grace notes, including novel reflections on Søren Kierkegaard, John C. Calhoun, and Henry Ford.
The books on management proper also form a cycle of thought. Concept of the Corporation is Drucker’s pathbreaking study of General Motors. The Practice of Management and Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices are perhaps his two most famous contributions to the study of management as a professional discipline.
In the third group fall two collections of essays, America’s Next Twenty Years and Technology, Management and Society , as well as Landmarks of Tomorrow, all of which pretty much deliver what their titles suggest. The Age of Discontinuity identifies and assesses radical changes in the foundations of the modern world. By contrast, The Unseen Revolution —much faulted as it has been for confusing ownership with control—considers a different, though no less radical, sort of change: the development of what Drucker calls “pension fund socialism” in America.
Finally, there are the how-to books: Managing for Results , with its emphasis on tactics for improving economic performance, and The Effective Executive, with its suggestions for making executives more effective managers of both themselves and others.
Drucker’s most recent book, his autobiographical Adventures of a Bystander , belongs to none of these categories. No matter. The cast of characters among whom Drucker moves, especially in the European chapters, is superbly rich, and the informed glimpse he provides of a vanished social and political universe is an education in itself. Adventures is often better than a novel, more lively than an essay, and as thoughtful as both at their best. The Age of Discontinuity is in the same class. This, too, offers pleasure reading, albeit of a different sort. It is becoming ever more important for top managers to think productively about the significant shape of the future, and Discontinuity provides an endlessly provocative model for doing so.
If ever there is time enough and the mood of reflection is with you, work your way slowly through The Future of Industrial Man . This is Drucker’s vision of the central problems facing industrial society—those of freedom and legitimacy—which do not appear nightly on the television news.
Most important of all is The Practice of Management , Drucker’s best book on the managerial profession. Far more crisp than the larger compendium on Management , nicely balanced between precept and example, this book is eminently practical yet of genuine intellectual breadth. If Drucker’s work holds anything of immediate value for you, you will most likely find it here. • • •
Remember, however, that the greatest value of reading Drucker consists in a sustained exposure to the disciplined activity of his mind—and not merely to the paraphrasable substance of his ideas. The ideas, of course, are there in abundance and are certainly worth close attention. But as Dr. Johnson (that great eighteenth-century humanist) well understood, the truly important thing with books is not to pluck their individual blossoms but to “grasp the Trunk hard only, and you will shake all the branches.” In the work of Peter Drucker, grasp hard the discipline of mind.
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