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책 & 책 > 과학/물리/양자역학 > Books for Dummies series & Books by Richard Feynman






For Dummies


For Dummies - Wikipedia

Series of instructional/reference books For Dummies is an extensive series of instructional/reference books which are intended to present non-intimidating guides for readers new to the various topics covered. The series has been a worldwide success with ed



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physics book for dummies - Google 검색

Physics for Dummies covers some elementary, fundamental areas such very basic Newtonian mechanics, harmonic motion, angular kinetics, thermodynamics etc. It ...



Physics Essentials For Dummies
Steven Holzner

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String Theory For Dummies
282,293 views  Dec 18, 2010
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Which book is best to learn physics? Physics for Dummies or Physics Demystified?

I want to study physics from zero level to graduate level without a teacher. What are the best physics books for self-study to master the subject?

Well then.
I’m going to give an approach that I think is worth it: a side-by-side education in physics and mathematics.
Why? It seems redundant; doesn’t physics teach you all you need to appreciate it and know it well?
You can’t appreciate conservation of energy or momentum until you can appreciate Noether’s theorem, and thus also group theory (the study of symmetry). You can’t appreciate the Clebsch-Gordon coefficients given to you in quantum mechanics without group theory, either. Add on some representation theory for good measure. You can’t appreciate Maxwell’s equations or General Relativity without tensors. You can’t appreciate the Schrodinger equation without some probability theory, and so on.
Here we go!
Calculus. Any standard text should do. If you can’t identify one, go with a combination of (any Calculus book on Amazon with an average rating of 4.5+ stars and lots of ratings) and Khan Academy. Do problems.
Physics. A generally cited text is the Halliday and Resnick book(s) for introductory physics. I personally ended up learning my intro physics from (again) Khan Academy. Do problems.
Linear Algebra. The beauty of Linear Algebra is that you can learn it any time after learning what a variable is. I’d recommend a book like Linear Algebra Done Wrong, but I initially learned it from Linear Algebra by Fraleigh and Beauregard, and that was a wonderful book too. I also think Khan Academy’s best series, by far is their Linear Algebra series. Do problems.
When possible, you should also write programs to do these things for you. This will come in handy later.
Necessary Stuff
Vector Calculus and Differential Equations. These are two subjects you’re going to need to know well for physics. Any standard text will do (see Calculus tip above). Do problems.
Note: I’ll stop saying to do problems now, because you should realize that the only way you actually learn is by doing problems until you can pull out this stuff at any time, days later.
Modern Physics. The text I used was pretty terrible. Got no recommendations for this, but there are standard texts.
Useful Stuff
Fourier Series. There’s a book called Applied Partial Differential Equations with Fourier Series and Boundary Value Problems by Haberman that I cherish. I think it’s great.
Probability and Statistics. In particular, Mathematical Statistics by Wackerly is pretty great in my opinion; the first half covers Probability Theory sufficiently. I got a whole new appreciation for quantum mechanics by reading this, and I think you should learn it first or at least alongside QM.
Numerical Ordinary Differential Equations. This taught me a lot of great things. I was taught from “A First Course in Numerical Differential Equations” by Iserles. If you need more programming background to do the exercises, I suggest getting prepped on that.
Necessary Stuff Part Two
Classical Mechanics. There’s probably a classic text, but you should have the mathematical maturity by now to handle Classical Mechanics by Goldstein. If not, see the next book.
Mathematical Methods in Physics. In particular, the two texts that come to mind are Boas and Arfken. Boas is lighter, Arfken is heavier. I like Arfken except for his chapter on tensors.
Quantum Mechanics. The standard is by Griffiths, and I liked that one. However, he sometimes misses out on mathematical magic that makes some of his examples a lot easier. I think Shankar’s text is great. If you aren’t following, see the above books :)
Electrodynamics. You probably should use Griffiths, or I hear Zangwill’s text is good. I didn’t like Griffiths, but Jackson might still be a little above you unless you’ve really learned a lot from Arfken.
Useful Stuff Part Two
Real and Complex Analysis. I never properly learned Real & Complex Analysis, but I’m finding myself lacking in those areas, and that’s affecting my ability to do research and projects (like in a recent project).
Numerical Linear Algebra. There’s a lot of wonderful things about matrix analysis that I never learned in my Linear Algebra class that is also immensely useful for understanding Quantum and Classical Mechanics. Trefethen is the standard.
Solid State Physics. This will solidify plenty of the quantum mechanics stuff, and you learn great things about materials you see every day. The texts by Kittel or Ashcroft/Mermin are both fine, but Kittel seems to have some important mistakes in some fundamental equations and derivations.
Subatomic/Nuclear/Particle Physics. This will solidify classical/electrodynamics, and will solidify your understanding of special relativity. It’s where I first felt I was learning real physics. I’ll be honest, I don’t remember what text we used, the lecturer I had was amazing all by himself.
Necessary Stuff Part Three
Statistical Physics. I used Kittel’s text, but I didn’t like it that much. Get a standard text that’s big and thick. Plenty of places have you learn this before quantum mechanics, but I’ll be honest and say that I didn’t appreciate what I was learning until after. I hear the text by Pathria is good.
Computational Physics. The book by Landau is good; he made a version for Python. This will really solidify your understanding of physics.
Useful Stuff Part Three
Group Theory and Quantum Mechanics. The text by Tinkham, while old, is amazing. This is where I really felt like I started to understand both math and physics. If you can’t follow, go back to Arfken on Group Theory, or get a group theory book and go through it.
Advanced Math. In this category, I include advanced Real Analysis (Rudin), functional analysis, and topology/geometry. There’s a Topology and Geometry for Physicists book, but the other two are better off coming from mathematicians’ POV.
Feynman. Reviewing the Feynman lectures on physics can present another viewpoint for physics. Often people say it’s a good place to review physics they already mostly understand.
Necessary Stuff Part Four
Advanced Electrodynamics. You should use Jackson, and Landau’s book on Classical Fields is also good.
Advanced Quantum Mechanics. If you already have Shankar down, go to Landau and Lifshitz.
Advanced Statistical Mechanics. Landau and Lifshitz.
The Good Stuff
Matrix Analysis by Bhatia. A lot of what he covers is also extendable to Hilbert spaces.
Quantum Field Theory by Schroeder.
Electives. Whatever you’re interested in, learn deeply. You’re now at the point where you should be learning from recent textbooks and from papers. Things like Relativity or Density Functional Theory or Many-body Physics or String Theory.


I'm 14 and I want to start learning physics. Where should I start?

What is the standard "roadmap" to self study physics?

Physics being one of the major practical and math intensive sciences, books and online courses alone cannot contribute to your preparation. But I guess you've already known that from other answers. On the other hand, it's a huge field along with Astrophysics, Biophysics and other sub-disciplines. So it's impossible to have a complete grasp of the subject. Yet here are a few standard textbooks used by most undergraduate programs:

Physics by Halliday, Resnick, Krane
University Physics by Young and Freedman
Calculus by Spivak
Calculus by Apostle
Classical Mechanics by David Morin
Classical Mechanics by Kleppner and Kolenkow
Electricity and Magnetism by EM Purcell
Electrodynamics by David Griffiths
Thermodynamics by Mark Zemansky
Thermal Physics by Shroeder
Fundamentals of Statistical and Thermal Physics by Reif
Thermal Physics by Kittel and Kroemar
Waves and Vibrations by AP French
Optics by Eugene Hetch
Special Relativity by AP French
Quantum Mechanics by David Griffiths
Feynman Lectures
Fundamental Astronomy by Karttunen
Astronomy by Roy and Clarke
Mathematical Methods for Students of Physics and Related Fields by Sadri Hassani
Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering by Riley, Hobson and Bence
Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences by Boas
Mathematical Physics by Sadri Hassani
Classical Mechanics by Goldstein
Statistical Mechanics by K. Huang
Statistical Mechanics by R.K. Pathria
Statistical Mechanics by S.-K. Ma
Classical Electromagnetic Radiation by Marion and Heald
Solid State Physics by Ashcroft and Mermin
Solid State Physics by Charles Kittel
Condensed Matter Physics by Marder
Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems by Marion and Thornton
Classical Electrodynamics by John David Jackson
Introduction to Quantum Physics by Bransden and Joachaim
Quantum Mechanics by Shankar
Modern Quantum Mechanics by J.J. Sakurai
Elementary Particles by David Griffiths
Landau and Lifshitz series
Quantum Field Theory by Peskin and Schroeder
Gravity by Hartle
Gravitation by Misner, Wheeler, Thorne
General Relativity by Robert M. Wald
A First Course in General Relativity by Bernard Schutz
Some problem books:
200 Puzzling Problems in Physics by Peter Gnadig
Aptitude Test Problems in Physics by SS Krotov
Problems in General Physics by IE Irodov
Int’l Physics Olympiad Problems and Solutions from 1967-1995 by Manilerd
Problems in Undergraduate Physics series, Volume 1-4
Cambridge Problems in Physics by Dendy, Tuffnell and Mee
A Guide to Physics Problems Part I and II by Cahn and Nadgorny
Major American Universities Ph.D. Qualifying Questions and Solutions series, Part 1-7
Princeton Problems in Physics with Solutions Newbury, Newman, Ruhl, Stag and Thorsett
UChicago Graduate Problems in Physics with Solutions by Cronin, Greenberg and Telegdi


Richard Feynman


Richard Feynman - Wikipedia

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigation Jump to search American theoretical physicist (1918–1988) Richard Phillips Feynman (; May 11, 1918 – February 15, 1988) was an American theoretical physicist, known for his work in the path integ


리처드 파인만

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The Feynman Lectures on Physics

Feynman diagram

파인만 다이어그램




책 & 책 > 과학/물리/양자역학 > Books for Dummies series & Books by Richard Feynman
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