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영화 & 영화 > SF > 브라질 Brazil (1985); 12 몽키즈 12 Monkeys (1995); 제로 법칙의 비밀 The Zero Theorem (2013) - 감독: 테리 길리엄 Terry Gilliam



* Gossip: 각각의 영화를 보고 나서야... 같은 감독 테리 길리엄의 작품임을 알았지만,
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  개인적으로도... 평점들도... 두번째 12 몽키즈가 가장 대중적으로 잘 만든 SF로 보이고,
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  SF를 좋아하는 분이라면... 세 작품 모두 추천, 아니라면... 12 몽키즈 정도만 봐도...???




Brazil (1985 film)

Brazil is a 1985 dystopian black comedy film directed by Terry Gilliam and written by Gilliam, Charles McKeown, and Tom Stoppard. The film stars Jonathan Pryce and features Robert De NiroKim GreistMichael PalinKatherine HelmondBob Hoskins, and Ian Holm.
The film centres on Sam Lowry, a low-ranking bureaucrat trying to find a woman who appears in his dreams while he is working in a mind-numbing job and living in a small apartment, set in a dystopian world in which there is an over-reliance on poorly maintained (and rather whimsical) machines. Brazil's satire of technocracybureaucracyhyper-surveillancecorporate statism, and state capitalism is reminiscent of George Orwell's 1949 novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, and has been called Kafkaesque, as well as absurdist.
Sarah Street's British National Cinema (1997) describes the film as a "fantasy/satire on bureaucratic society", and John Scalzi's Rough Guide to Sci-Fi Movies (2005) describes it as a "dystopian satire". Jack Mathews, a film critic and the author of The Battle of Brazil (1987), described the film as "satirizing the bureaucratic, largely dysfunctional industrial world that had been driving Gilliam crazy all his life". Despite its title, the film is not about the country Brazil nor does it take place there; it is named after the recurrent theme song, Ary Barroso's "Aquarela do Brasil", known simply as "Brazil" to British audiences, as performed by Geoff Muldaur.
Though a success in Europe, the film was unsuccessful in its initial North American release. It has since become a cult film. In 1999, the British Film Institute voted Brazil the 54th greatest British film of all time. In 2017, a poll of 150 actors, directors, writers, producers, and critics for Time Out magazine saw it ranked the 24th best British film ever.


Brazil (1985 film) - Wikipedia

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 1985 film by Terry Gilliam Brazil is a 1985 dystopian black comedy film[9][10] directed by Terry Gilliam and written by Gilliam, Charles McKeown, and Tom Stoppard. The film stars Jonathan Pryce and features Robert De N



Brazil (1985) Official Trailer - Jonathan Pryce, Terry Gilliam Movie HD
Rotten Tomatoes Classic Trailers
1.5M subscribers
1,178,735 views  Jun 28, 2014


Roger Ebert January 17, 1986


Brazil movie review & film summary (1986) | Roger Ebert

Just as George Orwell's 1984 is an alternate vision of the past, present and future, so "Brazil" is a variation of Orwell's novel. The movie happens in a time and place that seem vaguely like our own, but with different graphics, hardware and politics. Soc



Siskel & Ebert - “Brazil”
1.77K subscribers
39,105 views  Feb 4, 2015


Google > movie brazil



미래 도시의 정보국 산하 서기로 일하는 샘 로리는 매일 똑같은 일상에 권태를 느낀다. 어느 날 샘은 꿈속에서 봤던 환상의 여인을 마주하고, 그 자리에서 사랑을 고백하게 된다.


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12 몽키즈


12 Monkeys

12 Monkeys is a 1995 American science fiction film directed by Terry Gilliam, inspired by Chris Marker's 1962 short film La Jetée, starring Bruce WillisMadeleine Stowe, and Brad Pitt, with Christopher Plummer and David Morse in supporting roles. Set in a post-apocalyptic future devastated by an unknown disease, a convict (Willis) is sent back in time to investigate its origin.
After Universal Studios acquired the rights to remake La Jetée as a full-length film, David and Janet Peoples were hired to write the script. Under Gilliam's direction, Universal granted the filmmakers a $29.5 million budget, and filming lasted from February to May 1995. The film was shot mostly in Philadelphia and Baltimore, the settings of the events in the story.
The film was released to critical praise and grossed $168.8 million worldwide. Pitt was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor, and he won a Golden Globe Award for his performance. The film also won and was nominated for various categories at the Saturn Awards.


12 Monkeys - Wikipedia

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 1995 American film 12 Monkeys is a 1995 American science fiction film directed by Terry Gilliam, inspired by Chris Marker's 1962 short film La Jetée, starring Bruce Willis, Madeleine Stowe, and Brad Pitt, with Christo



12 Monkeys Official Trailer #1 - (1995) HD
59.1M subscribers
2,974,821 views  Sep 2, 2011


12 Monkeys
Roger Ebert January 05, 1996


12 Monkeys movie review & film summary (1996) | Roger Ebert

Cole is plucked from his cage and sent on a surface expedition by the rulers of this domain, who hope to learn enough about the plague virus to defeat it. Later, he is picked for a more crucial mission: He will travel back in time and gather information ab



Google > movie 12 monkeys


12 몽키즈

인류가 바이러스로 거의 멸망한 근미래, 수감자 제임스 콜은 완전 사면을 조건으로 바이러스가 퍼지기 전 과거인 1996년으로 보내지고, 실수로 도착한 1990년에서 우연히 12몽키즈의 주요 인물을


Naver > 영화 12 몽키즈


영화 12 몽키즈 : 네이버 통합검색

'영화 12 몽키즈'의 네이버 통합검색 결과입니다.



The Zero Theorem

The Zero Theorem is a 2013 science fiction film directed by Terry Gilliam, starring Christoph WaltzDavid ThewlisMélanie Thierry and Lucas Hedges. Written by Pat Rushin, the story is about Qohen Leth (Waltz), a reclusive computer genius tasked with solving a formula that will determine whether life holds meaning. The film began production in October 2012. 
Gilliam has given conflicting statements about whether The Zero Theorem is meant as the third part of a satirical dystopian trilogy ("Orwellian triptych") that began with 1985's Brazil and continued with 1995's 12 Monkeys.


The Zero Theorem - Wikipedia

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 2013 film by Terry Gilliam The Zero Theorem is a 2013 science fiction film directed by Terry Gilliam, starring Christoph Waltz, David Thewlis, Mélanie Thierry and Lucas Hedges. Written by Pat Rushin, the story is abou



The Zero Theorem - Official Trailer (2014)
Voltage Pictures
169K subscribers
3,329,338 views  Jan 28, 2014


The Zero Theorem
Matt Zoller Seitz September 19, 2014


The Zero Theorem movie review (2014) | Roger Ebert

Other characters drift in and out of the story, alleviating or increasing the hero's irritability and spiritual malaise. The curvy blond Bainsley (Mélanie Thierry) rescues Quohen at a party when he nearly chokes on an olive, and proves responsible for ge



Google > movie the zero theorem


제로법칙의 비밀

《제로법칙의 비밀》은 2013년 공개된 영국의 루마니아 합작 SF 영화로, 테리 길리엄이 감독이다. 크리스토프 발츠, 멜라니 티에리, 데이비드 슐리스, 루커스 헤지스 등이 출연했다. 은둔하는 컴


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'영화 제로 법칙의 비밀'의 네이버 통합검색 결과입니다.



테리 길리엄


Terry Gilliam

Terence Vance Gilliam (/ˈɡɪliəm/; born 22 November 1940) is an American-born British filmmaker, comedian, animator, actor and former member of the Monty Python comedy troupe.
Gilliam has directed 13 feature films, including Time Bandits (1981), Brazil (1985), The Adventures of Baron Munchausen (1988), The Fisher King (1991), 12 Monkeys (1995), Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998), The Brothers Grimm (2005), Tideland (2005), and The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus (2009). Being the only Monty Python member not born in Britain, he became a naturalised British subject in 1968 and formally renounced his American citizenship in 2006.
Gilliam was born in Minnesota, but spent his high school and college years in Los Angeles. He started his career as an animator and strip cartoonist. He joined Monty Python as the animator of their works, but eventually became a full member and was given acting roles. He became a feature film director in the 1970s. Most of his films explore the theme of imagination and its importance to life, express his opposition to bureaucracy and authoritarianism, and feature characters facing dark or paranoid situations. His own scripts feature black comedy and tragicomedic elements, as well as surprise endings.
In 1988, Gilliam and the other Monty Python members received the BAFTA Award for Outstanding British Contribution to Cinema. In 2009, Gilliam received the BAFTA Fellowship for lifetime achievement.


Terry Gilliam - Wikipedia

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia American-born British filmmaker, comedian and actor Terence Vance Gilliam (; born 22 November 1940)[2][3] is an American-born British filmmaker, comedian, animator, actor and former member of the Monty Python comedy tr




영화 & 영화 > SF > 1984 (1984, 감독: 마이클 래드포드 Michael Radford) & 화씨 451 Fahrenheit 451 (1966, 감독: 프랑수아 트뤼포 François Truffaut)

영화 & 영화 > SF > 브라질 Brazil (1985); 12 몽키즈 12 Monkeys (1995); 제로 법칙의 비밀 The Zero Theorem (2013) - 감독: 테리 길리엄 Terry Gilliam


영화/웹드라마/시리즈 > SF > 불멸 Immortality (2018) & other Blackpills series

영화 & 영화 > SF > 백 투 더 비기닝 Project Almanac (2015) & n번째 이별 중 Time Freak (2018)

영화 & 영화 > SF > 브라질 Brazil (1985); 12 몽키즈 12 Monkeys (1995); 제로 법칙의 비밀 The Zero Theorem (2013) - 감독: 테리 길리엄 Terry Gilliam


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