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Link/Search > 미국 바이든 G7 정상들과 글로벌 인프라 이니셔티브 합의 (검색: biden g7 global infrastructure initiative)
Geo 2021. 6. 13. 15:53
Link/Search > 미국 바이든 G7 정상들과 글로벌 인프라 이니셔티브 합의 (검색: biden g7 global infrastructure initiative)
* Gossip: 관련 기사/내용 찾아서 추가할 것~!
FACT SHEET: President Biden and G7 Leaders Launch Build Back Better World (B3W) Partnership
JUNE 12, 2021
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[속보] 백악관 "바이든, G7 정상들과 글로벌 인프라 이니셔티브 합의"
김수현 입력 2021. 06. 12. 20:46 수정 2021. 06. 12. 20:47 댓글 37개
[속보] 백악관 "바이든, G7 정상들과 글로벌 인프라 이니셔티브 합의"
[속보] 백악관 "바이든, G7 정상들과 글로벌 인프라 이니셔티브 합의" 김수현 한경닷컴 기자 ksoohyun@hankyung.com ▶ ▶ ▶ ⓒ 한국경제 & , 무단전재 및 재배포 금지
Biden aims to counter China's global infrastructure project with new G7 initiative
By Betsy Klein and Maegan Vazquez, CNN
Updated 1547 GMT (2347 HKT) June 12, 2021
(CNN)The United States says it will be a lead partner in a new global, climate-friendly infrastructure program with its Group of 7 partners, part of President Joe Biden's larger efforts at the G7 summit to better position the US and its allies to compete with China in the aftermath of the coronavirus pandemic.
Confronting China's authoritarianism, however, emerged as a source of contention between the leaders.
The White House said the program, presented as an alternative to China's own global infrastructure initiative, will "help narrow the $40+ trillion infrastructure need in the developing world, which has been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic."
A senior administration official described the plan, called the "Build Back Better World" initiative, as a "bold, new global infrastructure initiative with our G7 partners that will be values-driven, transparent and sustainable" and will compete with China's Belt and Road Initiative.
The G7 will announce "a positive alternative that reflects our values, our standards, and our way of doing business," a second senior official said.
China's Belt and Road Initiative, first announced in 2013 under Chinese President Xi Jinping, aims to build ports, roads and railways to create new trade corridors linking China to Africa and the rest of Eurasia. The Chinese-funded, cross-continental infrastructure initiative has been seen as an extension of the country's sharp ascent to global power.
As part of the new infrastructure announcement, the US said the Group of 7 will be joining partners and the private sector in "collectively catalyzing hundreds of billions of dollars in infrastructure investment for low and middle-income countries that need it."
While the investment is meant to counter the infrastructure gap in lower and middle income countries, officials suggested this initiative will be in the ballpark of "hundreds of billions of dollars," but did not provide a more specific number or any tangible information on how much each nation would be contributing.
The money will come from US governmental finance groups, unspecified entities from the private sector, as well as the G7 countries, but it was not immediately clear how much each was expected to pitch in.
Officials described the global infrastructure pitch not as a confrontation with China, but as an alternative path.
"This is not about making countries choose between us and China. This is about offering an affirmative, alternative vision and approach that they would want to choose," the first administration official said.
Biden aims to counter China's global infrastructure project with new G7 initiative
The United States says it will be a lead partner in a new global, climate-friendly infrastructure program with its Group of 7 partners, part of President Joe Biden's larger efforts at the G7 summit to better position the US and its allies to compete with C
biden g7 global infrastructure initiative
biden g7 global infrastructure initiative - Google 검색
13시간 전 · China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has helped finance trains, roads, and ... Global supply chains, Joe Biden will insist, must be free of this kind of labour. ... contribute to this global infrastructure plan and over what timescale.
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