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KBS > 드라마 > 브렉시트 : 치열한 전쟁 Brexit : The Uncivil War (Channel 4 & HBO, 2019)





Brexit The Uncivil War Theatrical Poster.jpg

Poster advertising HBO broadcast



Brexit: The Uncivil War





Dominic Cummings





UK location in the EU 2016.svg








Referendum result

The result was announced on the morning of 24 June: 51.89 per cent voted in favour of leaving the European Union, and 48.11 per cent voted in favour of remaining a member of the European Union.[99][100] Comprehensive results are available from the UK Electoral Commission Referendum Results site. A petition calling for a second referendum attracted more than four million signatures,[101][102] but was rejected by the government on 9 July.[103]


United Kingdom European Union membership referendum, 2016
National result
Choice Votes %
Leave the European Union 17,410,742 51.89%
Remain a member of the European Union 16,141,241 48.11%
Valid votes 33,551,983 99.92%
Invalid or blank votes 25,359 0.08%
Total votes 33,577,342 100.00%
Registered voters and turnout 46,500,001 72.21%
Voting age population and turnout 51,356,768 65.38%
Source: Electoral Commission
National referendum results (without spoiled ballots)
17,410,742 (51.9%)
16,141,241 (48.1%)

Results by Country of the United Kingdom/region of England (left) and by council district (GB) & UK Parliament constituency (NI) (right)

Demographic analysis of voters

According to Thomas Sampson, an economist at the London School of Economics, "Older and less-educated voters were more likely to vote 'leave'... A majority of white voters wanted to leave, but only 33 per cent of Asian voters and 27 per cent of black voters chose leave. There was no gender split in the vote, with 52 per cent of both men and women voting to leave. Leaving the European Union received support from across the political spectrum... Voting to leave the European Union was strongly associated with holding socially conservative political beliefs, opposing cosmopolitanism, and thinking life in Britain is getting worse rather than better."[14] Econometric studies show "first, education and, to a lesser extent, age were the strongest demographic predictors of voting behavior... Second, poor economic outcomes at the individual or area level were associated with voting to leave... Third, support for leaving the European Union is strongly associated with self-reported opposition to immigration, but not with exposure to immigration."[14]




Brexit 브렉시트











검색 > brexit





베네딕트 컴버배치 드라마 <브렉시트:치열한 전쟁> KBS1 방송!




다큐멘터리 KBS스페셜 "브렉시트와 노란조끼, 혼돈의 유럽 어디로?"(2019)

2019.1.27. I am moi _ :)




브렉시트에 표를 던진 노동자들은 브렉시트의 가장 큰 피해자일지도




런던 떠나는 IB 잡아라…유럽은 新금융허브 전쟁

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강두순 기자입력 : 2017.10.13 16:05:07   수정 : 2017.10.13 17:11:24




잘못된 비유는 위험합니다



The dangers of misleading metaphors

The solution is to replace them with good metaphors instead





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기사 2,180건





검색 > kbs 브렉시트 치열한 전쟁







검색 > brexit the uncivil war








* Gossip: SF 같은 가상의 질문을 한번 던져보자. 만약에 통일을 놓고 브렉시트 같은 국민투표를 지금 한다면...

            아래와 같은 현재 국내 상황에서 한국의 운명을 건 투표는 어떤 과정을 거쳐서 어떤 결과를 낼까?

            우리가... 과연 드라마에 그려진 것보다 더 이성적/합리적이고 객관적인 논의/합의를 거쳐 결론 낼 수 있을까?

            그네들의 현란한 IT 기술, 정치 공학, 이합집산을 그린 드라마를 보면서... 계속 문득문득 떠오른 생각이다.

            한편으로는... 현재의 국내 정치 상황이... 과거엔 항상 우러러 보던 영국보다 좀 낫다는 것이 다행이면서,

            저런 뻘짓을 통해서 지금의 뻘짓을 계속하고 있구나... 비웃을 수만은 없는 것이 우리의 현실 아닐까???

            지금 우리가 어떤 중요한 의제를 놓고 51:49의 싸움을 벌인다면... 과연 우리의 모습은 어떨지... 섬찟하다.



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