티스토리 뷰


영화/다큐 & 영화 > 민주주의란 무엇인가? What Is Democracy? (2018) & 세가지 색: 블루 (1993) & 화이트 (1994) & 레드 (1994) Three Colours: Blue & White & Red Trois Couleurs : Bleu & Blanc & Rouge



영화/다큐 & 영화/다큐 > 물의 기억 The Memory of Water (2019) & 위대한 침묵 Great Silence (2022) - 노무현 & 박근혜
출처: https://linkandgossip.tistory.com/2896 [Link & Gossip:티스토리]

영화/다큐 > 대한민국 대통령 (2022)

Naver > 영화 대한민국 대통령


What Is Democracy?



What Is Democracy? is a 2018 documentary film written and directed by Astra Taylor. The documentary blends everyday experience and political theory to address questions viewed as central to democracy. Interview subjects include academics, activists, politicians, refugees, trauma surgeons, students, and a barber. While attempting to address the primary question, the documentary also looks at pressing issues of contemporary times, including the Greek debt crisis. In the documentary, Taylor suggests that the current form of democracy is bad and people should seek a more direct democracy. Reviewers noted that the documentary never directly answers the title question.


What Is Democracy? - Wikipedia

2019 film What Is Democracy?Directed byAstra TaylorWritten byAstra TaylorProduced byCinematographyMaya BankovicEdited byRobert KennedyMusic byHeather McIntoshProductioncompanyNational Film Board of CanadaDistributed byRelease date June 9, 2018 (2018-06-



WHAT IS DEMOCRACY official US trailer
22,047 views  Nov 1, 2018
ZeitgeistFilms 6.73K subscribers



Google > what is democracy 2018


what is democracy 2018 - Google 검색

Featuring a diverse cast—including celebrated theorists, trauma surgeons, activists, factory workers, asylum seekers, and former prime ministers—this urgent ...


Google > 다큐 민주주의란 무엇인가


다큐 민주주의란 무엇인가 - Google 검색

유명한 철학자,외상외과 의사,공장 노동자,난민,정치인 등 다양한 출연진이 출연해 진정한 민주주의란 무엇인가 질문하는 다큐멘터리 …더보기.


Naver > 다큐 민주주의란 무엇인가


다큐 민주주의란 무엇인가 : 네이버 통합검색

'다큐 민주주의란 무엇인가'의 네이버 통합검색 결과입니다.



Three Colours trilogy

The Three Colours trilogy (French: Trois couleurs, Polish: Trzy kolory) is the collective title of three psychological drama films directed by Krzysztof Kieślowski: Three Colours: Blue (1993), Three Colours: White (1994), and Three Colours: Red (1994). The trilogy was a co-production between France, Poland and Switzerland, in French language, with the exception of White in Polish and French. All three films were co-written by Kieślowski and Krzysztof Piesiewicz (with story consultants Agnieszka Holland and Sławomir Idziak), produced by Marin Karmitz and composed by Zbigniew Preisner.

White received generally positive reviews, while Blue and Red garnered widespread acclaim from reviews, with the latter receiving nominations for Best Director, Best Original Screenplay and Best Cinematography at the 67th Academy Awards.

Blue, white, and red are the colours of the French flag in hoist-to-fly order, and the story of each film is loosely based on one of the three political ideals in the motto of the French Republic: liberty, equality, fraternity. As with the treatment of the Ten Commandments in Dekalog, the illustration of these principles is often ambiguous and ironic. As Kieślowski noted in an interview with an Oxford University student newspaper, "The words [liberté, egalité, fraternité] are French because the money [to fund the films] is French. If the money had been of a different nationality we would have titled the films differently, or they might have had a different cultural connotation. But the films would probably have been the same".

The trilogy has also been interpreted by film critic Roger Ebert as, respectively, an anti-tragedy, an anti-comedy, and an anti-romance.


Three Colours trilogy - Wikipedia

1993 French psychological drama films The Three Colours trilogy (French: Trois couleurs, Polish: Trzy kolory) is the collective title of three psychological drama films directed by Krzysztof Kieślowski: Three Colours: Blue (1993), Three Colours: White (19



영화 & 영화 > 세가지 색: 블루 (1993) & 화이트 (1994) & 레드 (1994) Three Colours: Blue & White & Red Trois Couleurs : Bleu & Blanc & Rouge - The Three Colours trilogy by Krzysztof Kieślowski
출처: https://linkandgossip.tistory.com/2905 [Link & Gossip:티스토리]


Reviews | Great Movies
Three Colors Trilogy: Blue, White, Red
Roger Ebert March 09, 2003


Google > movie three colours


movie three colours - Google 검색

2011. 11. 10. · The films are Three Colours: Blue (1993), Three Colours: White (1994) and Three Colours: Red (1994), notionally colour-schemed in the manner ...


Naver > 영화 세가지 색


영화 세가지 색 : 네이버 통합검색

'영화 세가지 색'의 네이버 통합검색 결과입니다.



자본주의와 불평등 | 다큐프라임 - 민주주의
출처: https://linkandgossip.tistory.com/2191 [Link & Gossip:티스토리]

EBS > 건축탐구 집 > 1억원대로 집짓기 (2021)
출처: https://linkandgossip.tistory.com/2191 [Link & Gossip:티스토리]

Naver > ebs 민주주의


ebs 민주주의 : 네이버 통합검색

'ebs 민주주의'의 네이버 통합검색 결과입니다.



Link/Search > 정의란 무엇인가 Justice (마이클 샌델 Michael Sandel) & 권력의 법칙 Power (로버트 그린 Robert Greene)
출처: https://linkandgossip.tistory.com/2400 [Link & Gossip:티스토리]

jtbc > 차이나는 클라스 > 김형철 편 (5회~6회)
출처: https://linkandgossip.tistory.com/64 [Link & Gossip:티스토리]

jtbc > 차이나는 클라스 > 마이클 샌델 (194회 & 195회) - 능력대로 하면 공정한가 (1부 일터 편 & 2부 학교 편, 2021)
출처: https://linkandgossip.tistory.com/2017 [Link & Gossip:티스토리]

EBS > [특집] 정의란 무엇인가 2 (마이클 샌델 외, PBS, 2017)
출처: https://linkandgossip.tistory.com/1454 [Link & Gossip:티스토리]

EBS > 위대한 수업 The Great Minds (2021)
출처: https://linkandgossip.tistory.com/2420 [Link & Gossip:티스토리]


Issue Follow-ups > 국내정치 > 검찰개혁 - 권력투쟁 > [JTBC 뉴스룸 긴급토론] 초유의 검찰총장 직무정지 (박주민 vs 박형수)
출처: https://linkandgossip.tistory.com/1920 [Link & Gossip:티스토리]

Issue Follow-ups > 국내정치 > 검찰개혁 - 권력투쟁 > 공수처장 추천위원 선정 & 윤석열-추미애 공방 & 라임, 옵티머스 사태 (링크 모음)
출처: https://linkandgossip.tistory.com/1879 [Link & Gossip:티스토리]

Issue Follow-ups > 국내정치 > 검찰개혁 - 권력투쟁 > 공수처장 추천위원 선정 & 윤석열-추미애 공방 & 라임, 옵티머스 사태 (링크 모음)
출처: https://linkandgossip.tistory.com/1879 [Link & Gossip:티스토리]

Issue Follow-ups > 시사 > 조국 사퇴 발표문 & 문대통령 모두 발언 (전문)
출처: https://linkandgossip.tistory.com/1478 [Link & Gossip:티스토리]

Issue Follow-ups > 적폐청산 > 공수처 신설, 권력기관 개혁/개편 (조국, 박주민 @ 유시민의 알릴레오; 외)
출처: https://linkandgossip.tistory.com/1147 [Link & Gossip:티스토리]

Issue > 민주주의 권력과 견제 & 균형 > 기생충학자 서민과 문빠, 방송인 김어준
출처: https://linkandgossip.tistory.com/375 [Link & Gossip:티스토리]

jtbc > JTBC 신년특집 대토론 - 2020년 - 1부 한국 언론, 어디에 서 있나 / 2부 한국 정치, 무엇을 바꿔야 하나
출처: https://linkandgossip.tistory.com/1557 [Link & Gossip:티스토리]


Google > what is justice


what is justice - Google 검색

동의어: fairness, justness, fair play, fair-mindedness, equity, equitableness, even-handedness, egalitarianism, impartiality, impartialness, lack of bias, objectivity, neutrality, disinterestedness, lack of prejudice, open-mindedness, non-partisanship,


Naver > 정의란 무엇인가


정의란 무엇인가 : 네이버 통합검색

'정의란 무엇인가'의 네이버 통합검색 결과입니다.



영화 & 영화/다큐 > 사랑과 경멸 Contempt (1963); 위대한 침묵 Into Great Silence (2005); 제인 구달 Jane's Journey (2010);
출처: https://linkandgossip.tistory.com/2885 [Link & Gossip:티스토리]

Google > Contempt 1963


Contempt 1963 - Google 검색

Contempt is a film directed by Jean-Luc Godard with Brigitte Bardot, Michel Piccoli, Jack Palance, Georgia Moll, Fritz Lang .... Year: 1963.


Google > Into Great Silence 2005


Into Great Silence 2005 - Google 검색

Media Format: Multiple Formats, Anamorphic, Color, Dolby, NTSC, Subtitled, Widescreen Release date: October 23, 2007


Google > Jane's Journey 2010


Jane's Journey 2010 - Google 검색

This documentary touches on all aspects of Jane's life, from her childhood, to her work with the chimps, her family, her activism, her work with "Roots and ...



책 & 영화/다큐 > Hitchcock/Truffaut (1966) & Hitchcock/Truffaut (2015) - 영화평론가가 본 영화감독
출처: https://linkandgossip.tistory.com/2904 [Link & Gossip:티스토리]

Google > Hitchcock/Truffaut


Hitchcock/Truffaut - Google 검색

Amazon配送商品ならHitchcockが通常配送無料。更にAmazonならポイント還元本が多数。Truffaut, Francois, Scott, Helen G.作品ほか、お急ぎ便対象商品は当日お届けも ...



영화 & 영화 > 비포 선라이즈 (1995) & 비포 선셋 (2004) & 비포 미드나잇 (2013) Before Sunrise & Before Sunset & Before Midnight - Before trilogy by Richard Linklater, Ethan Hawke, Julie Delpy
출처: https://linkandgossip.tistory.com/2906 [Link & Gossip:티스토리]

Before trilogy

Google > movie before series


movie before series - Google 검색

Before Midnight: Directed by Richard Linklater. With Ethan Hawke, Julie Delpy, Seamus Davey-Fitzpatrick, Jennifer Prior. We meet Jesse and Celine nine years ...




영화/다큐 & 영화 > 민주주의란 무엇인가? What Is Democracy? (2018) & 세가지 색: 블루 (1993) & 화이트 (1994) & 레드 (1994) Three Colours: Blue & White & Red Trois Couleurs : Bleu & Blanc & Rouge
출처: https://linkandgossip.tistory.com/2909 [Link & Gossip:티스토리]

영화/다큐 & 영화 > 대한민국 대통령 (2022) & 정직한 후보 Honest Candidate 1 (2020) & 2 (2022)
출처: https://linkandgossip.tistory.com/2911 [Link & Gossip:티스토리]


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