티스토리 뷰
Link/Search > GPT-3, BERT, KorBERT, 초거대 인공지능(AI) 인류 집단지성에 도전하는 AI의 등장 (YouTube > 슈카월드)
Geo 2021. 6. 3. 01:14
Link/Search > GPT-3, BERT, KorBERT, 초거대 인공지능(AI) 인류 집단지성에 도전하는 AI의 등장 (YouTube > 슈카월드)
#초거대AI #집단지성
초거대 인공지능(AI), 인류 집단 지성에 도전하는 AI의 등장
12,971 views•Jun 2, 2021
슈카월드 1.54M subscribers
#7만전자 #돌아온오프라인시대
코로나 집콕, 콘돔 시장은 대박났을까?
94,362 views•May 31, 2021
슈카월드 1.54M subscribers
#슈카 #비트코인 #도지코인
창 331회 : 나는 비트코인을 샀다(내레이션: 슈카)
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KBS 시사기획 창 112K subscribers
South Korea's Naver unveils 'hyperscale AI' platform, language model with more parameters than GPT-3
by Louis Stone 6/1/2021
South Korea's Naver unveils 'hyperscale AI' platform, language model with more parameters than GPT-3 - AI Business
HyperClova's language AI system is based on 204 billion parameters
정석근 대표 “한국형 초거대 AI로 글로벌 빅테크와 선두 경쟁"
입력2021-06-02 17:13:24 수정 2021.06.02 22:15:15 박현익 기자
정석근 대표 “한국형 초거대 AI로 글로벌 빅테크와 선두 경쟁'
정석근 네이버 클로바 CIC 대표 /사진 제공=네이버“한국형 초거대 인공지능(AI)을 기반으로 글로벌 빅테크 기업들과 선두 싸움에 나서겠습니다.'정석근(45·사진) 네이버클로바CIC(사내독립기업)
Google > 초거대 ai
The Man Behind the Google Brain: Andrew Ng and the Quest for the New A
BUSINESS 05.07.2013 06:30 AM
There's a theory that human intelligence stems from a single algorithm. The idea arises from experiments suggesting that the portion of your brain dedicated to processing sound from your ears could also handle sight for your eyes. This is possible only while your brain is in the earliest stages of development, but it implies that the brain is -- at its core -- a general purpose machine that can be tuned to specific tasks.
The Man Behind the Google Brain: Andrew Ng and the Quest for the New AI
There's a theory that human intelligence stems from a single algorithm. The idea arises from experiments suggesting that the portion of your brain dedicated to processing sound from your ears could also handle sight for your eyes. This is possible only whi
OpenAI GPT-3
Google Brain
Naver HyberCLOVA
Link & Gossip > gpt-3
Link & Gossip > bert, korbert, gan
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